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Friday 30 March 2012

Drake: Dealing With Haters, Ditching VIBE, and Sippin’ Syrup

While Drake toured in UK, Drake sat down with the Guardian for an exclusive interview where he talked about being an “Icon”, recreational drug use, his critics and handling botched interviews. Check out the excerpts below.

Ditching the VIBE Interview

“I didn’t like the way I was treated,” he says. “They ran this story about how I’m the most bitter guy, and my life is in turmoil. And I’m, like, a very happy 25-year-old kid living an amazing life. They tried to put a damper on my character, I guess because I didn’t play according to their rules.”

About being rap Jimi Hendrix or Bob Marley on the song “Lord Knows.”

“I didn’t really say I was the rap Hendrix or Marley, I said I was the descendant,” he corrects, smiling at the tenuous distinction. “Because I feel like that’s what I want to be for this generation: iconic. That’s the purpose I want to serve on this earth. I want my words to be remembered in 10, 15 years.”

 The critics and the haters.
“I can’t lie to you, I read what they have to say and it’s … character-building.” He used to find it mortally wounding. “There have been times when a negative comment about me would be the be all and end all, and I’d wonder, Why do you hate me so much? Why would you tell me that you want to kill my mom or see me dead? “It’s scary for me to say this on record,” he says, “but artists are only human, and we seek validation like everyone else. You just have to come to the conclusion that it’s OK, there are going to be people who like you and people who don’t. Luckily there are millions of people who love me and a few who don’t.”

Puffing some mary-jane and sippin’ syrup

“Have I sipped codeine before?” he asks for me. “Yeah, of course. Have I smoked weed? Yes. Do I drink wine? Yes. But do I do it excessively? No. I’m not a reckless guy. I do it all within moderation. I’m not into drugs.” He realizes what he has just said, and bursts out laughing, as do his crew. “I mean any outside the ones I just mentioned. Nah, that’s not me. I care too much about what I have. I’m not going to throw it away for that.”


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