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Friday 27 April 2012

Jas Prince Speaks On Drake In Text Interview

Jas Prince recently did an interview with In the interview Jas was questioned about many topcis including: Business side of music, first job in the music industry, and of course Drake.

Where did you first hear of Drake? Who brought him across your plate?
“MYSPACE! I always browse through the internet lookin for somethin new. I found him myself. I sent him a message lettin him know who I was and that I wanted to work with him, get his music to some people I know.”

How did you pitch him to Wayne?
“At first I was tellin him about him like, “Yo, you really need to check this dude Drake out,” and Wayne wasn’t tryin to hear it. Then one day while leavin the Galleria, I just threw his CD in and let it play. He was like, “Wait..who is this?,” and I was like “Drake…the guy I been tellin you about.” Wayne told me to book him on the next flight to Houston.”

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