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Wednesday 25 April 2012

Skater Willy Akers Wins Lil Wayne’s Stripper Money After Landing Drop In [Video]

5Boro professional skater Willy Akers takes Lil Wayne‘s “strip club loot” after he dropped in off the roof of Wayne‘s Miami crib onto a skating ramp. You can watch the drop in above and if you didn’t already know, Weezy recently got the 5Boro logo tattooed on his face.  
In related news, Tune spoke to VIBE about his new TRUKFIT clothing line and what inspired him to come up with the designs. 

VIBE: Rapper clothing lines were popping at one point, but then fizzled. What made you start one now?
Lil Wayne: I always had a clothing line. I never had the proper time, the proper name and never was really into it. It’s probably been two or three years now, just never put it out. I was never satisfied with the design.

Many of the pieces are very skateboard influenced.
Yeah, it was just a natural thing. It represents where I’m at and what I’m about right now.

Who were some of your initial inspirations?
Just speaking to some of my homies that have clothing lines—Stevie Williams from DGK [Dirty Ghetto Kids], people like that.

Do you plan on expanding into jeans and accessories?
We’re going to get into all that. I just have to approve everything. I approve all products and I’m a very strict, unreasonable guy. That’s really the holdup on a lot of things.
Where do you envision Trukfit going—on the level of Gucci or Polo?
That’s the beautiful part of it. I don’t have a destination. Therefore, it can go wherever and I’ll be excited about it.


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