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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Rihanna’s Brother Speaks On Her Love Life, Drake And RiRi Almost Married!

21yr old Rorrey Fenty, Rihanna‘s brother, speaks on Riri’s love life to Heat magazine a couple days ago. In his interview with Heat magazine, Rorrey gives details about how his sister dealt with the public break-up with Chris Brown and on how Drake almost became his brother-in-law. Transcript of the interview is after the jump. Let us know what you think, you think this is true or false?

Rorrey On Rihanna’s Relationship With Chris Brown:
“Rihanna and Chris Brown were great together, they were like soul mates. It’s a very sensitive subject – I just blank it out and I think she blanks it out, too.”

When she looks unhappy, it’s not because of her missing Chris, it’s because of how hectic her lifestyle is – she sometimes does 13-hour days.”

On Rihanna’s Relationship With Drake:
“Rihanna doesn’t have a boyfriend right now. Drake and Rihanna used to be together – and he’s a pretty cool dude.”

I was in a club in LA, and he saw me and came over. I was nearly his brother-in-law, but I didn’t know him so well, so I was touched by that.”

On Protecting His Sister:
“I’ve always been protective of her. Certain guys will be looking at her or coming on to her, and I tell them to move away and be careful not to bother her.”

“We don’t have a drinking age in Barbados, so we started partying at 14 years old.” [Sources differ on whether their is a legal drinking age in Barbados. The general consensus is that the age is 18 but anyone between the ages 10-18 can be served a drink if accompanied by their parents - a practice that is pretty common in the Caribbean]

On Rihanna’s dreams of getting married:
“I just want her to be happy. She has talked to me about getting married and having children. She plans on settling down, but she wants to focus on her career. She needs a man who likes to do the stuff she likes doing, someone laidback and fun-loving.”

“There are a million guys across the world waiting to take her out, but she says they are more intimidated by her than anything else.”


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